2nd May 2023
Scotland Park Phase Two is refused
On 2nd May 2023, Scotland Park Phase Two’s hybrid application WA/2022/01887 was refused under delegated powers by Waverley Borough Council’s Planning Authority.
A spokesperson for Redwood (South West) Ltd said: “We are disappointed with the decision as our plans offer tremendous benefits to the public and not just the people who would live in the highly energy efficient and beautiful homes designed by ADAM Architecture.
“1st Haslemere Scout Group would benefit from a new headquarters and land, giving them muchneeded security. Grayswood Nursery and Forest School would benefit too, as they would have an outdoor educational facility and land.
“The cost of housing in Haslemere is some of the highest in the South of England, so our planned 35% of 111 dwellings being affordable housing would deliver much-needed housing for residents trying to get their own home.
“We will take time to thoroughly digest the report and decision before considering our options.”